Providing Professional Development Training through Community Outreach

The Professional Skills Series

This progam will provide softskills and professional skills for anyone in the community who desires to grow personally and/or progress in their work career.

Self Assessment Skills

Assessing yourself and others for maximizing workplace effectiveness

People Skills

Developing effective people skills for professional success

Communicating Skills

Becoming a highly effective public and personal communicator

Professional Image Skills

Learning key habits, protocol and etiquette for professional success

Team Skills

Developing key practices for building strong teams

Ethical Skills

Developing strong character and ethics for long term success

Mentoring Skills

Providing and receiving effective workplace mentoring relationships

Managing Skills

Developing key practices and skills for managing others


Community Outreach Class

How Does it Work?

  • We certify your selected instructors to teach the program
    (2 day Seminar 9am-5pm each day)
  • Each module is taught in a classroom format from 9am-4pm
    (there are 8 modules)
  • Learners enroll in the program and get a set of the 8 books for the classes
  • We provide the assessments, powerpoints, admin tools to the training site director

Completing Assessments

Course Assessments:

  • Attendance & Participation (tracking log)
  • Reflection Paper (2 pages – reflecting on application)
  • Book Reading Log
  • Oral Presentation – (8 minutes – how will I apply the topic?)
  • Open Book Exam (25 multiple choice questions)

Receive Cerificate in Professional Development

Conduct as a Training Academy

All Learners:

  • Commit to complete all 8 modules
  • Attend and engage during the 8 classes
  • Complete the five measurements per module
  • Have a 30 minute one-to-one coaching session via Zoom or phone after each module

Receive a Certificate in Professional Development upon completion

Changed Lives in the Community

What Does it Cost?

  • Annual License Fee = $3,000
  • 2-day Certification/Orientation Seminar for up to 5 instructors, 1 Admin
    (One-Time Fee = $2,500 (Plus Trainer T&L), additional instructors = $500 each)
  • Books = $30 per learner per module
  • The Community Outreach Training Site charges whatever price they choose to manage their costs and grow their program

2017 Harvard study shows every dollar spent on Professional Development training brings 256% Return on Investment