Kevin Hinman

Kevin-HinmanMomentum Makers CoFounder, Kevin Hinman, began his career with the Fortune 500’s top company. He graduated from their elite two-year management training program in Computer Management. He gained experience in both the Defense and Consumer Products Divisions.

Kevin left the corporate world to work with the U.S. Navy. He served as a civilian with a joint forces team producing 150 training courses for Navy Pilots, Communication Officers, and SEAL Teams.

Kevin’s passion for training nonprofit leaders and workers in underprivileged countries led he and his wife to found Leadership Training International in 1992. He has traveled to five continents and trained thousands of leaders worldwide.

Kevin is also a business consultant, focused on building management teams, process improvement, and mentoring rising executives. Kevin holds a B.S. degree in Business Management and joint Masters in Journalism and Divinity, along with his corporate management diploma.

Kevin left the corporate world to work with the U.S. Navy. He served as a civilian with a joint forces team producing 150 training courses for Navy Pilots, Communication Officers, and SEAL Teams.

Carol Hinman

Kevin-HinmanCarol Hinman is the CoFounder and CFO of Momentum Makers. Carol is also a Certified Trainer with the Professional Skills Series. She and her husband Kevin also pioneered the establishment of a global nonprofit training organization which has operated for over 25 years and in 40 countries.

Carol has over 24 years experience managing multiple business organizations, specializing in process improvement for both financial and administrative effectiveness. Carol’s experience spans a wide spectrum of business types, including hospitality, legal, information technology, nonprofit charities, performing arts, and training companies. She enjoys guiding struggling organizations toward health.

Carol also has passion for the arts. She is a Master Ballet Instructor and Choreographer, with students being accepted to renowned international ballet programs.

Carol has raised three high achieving children. She holds dual Master’s Degrees, including a Masters in Administration for Nonprofit Organizations.

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