Modules for Standard Police Academy Training (each is an 8 hour class, total = 1 week)
Self Assessment Skills
Assessing yourself and others for maximizing workplace effectiveness
People Skills
Developing effective people skills for professional success
Team Skills
Developing key practices for building strong teams
Professional Image Skills
Learning key habits, protocol and etiquette for professional success
Ethical Skills
Developing strong character and ethics for long term success
Advanced Modules for Additional Seminars (each is an 8 hour class)
Communicating Skills
Becoming a highly effective public and personal communicator
Managing Skills
Developing key practices and skills for managing others
Mentoring Skills
Providing and receiving effective workplace mentoring relationships
The Professional Skills Series

How Does It Work?
- We certify your Instructors to teach the program (2 day seminar)
- All participants obtain a 50 page course manual for each class
- Our Trainers are available as Guest Instructors (optional)

What Does It Cost?
- Annual License Fee = $3,000
- One Time Orientation / Certification Seminar = $2,400 (plus T & L)
(for 1-4 Instructors and One Administrator)
- Course Materials = $30 per book (or $200 for a complete set of eight)
2017 Harvard study shows every dollar spent on Professional Development training brings 256% Return on Investment
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