This program will prepare students for life success and position them for desired college acceptance and scholarships. We suggest you implement the program across several grade levels (such as 7th-10th), so students can complete the program prior to their busiest high school years and have it on their transcript by Junior year. Suggested order & module groupings:
7th Grade
People Skills
effective people skills for professional success
Team Skills
key practices for building strong teams
8th Grade
Communicating Skills
a highly effective public and personal communicator
Professional Image Skills
key habits, protocol and etiquette for professional success
9th Grade
Self Assessment Skills
yourself and others for maximizing workplace effectiveness
Ethical Skills
strong character and ethics for long term success
10th Grade
Managing Skills
key practices and skills for managing others
Mentoring Skills
and receiving effective workplace mentoring relationships
The Professional Skills Series
“We’ve had great success among our students.”
Mark Keating, Director of Upper School
Veritas Collegiate Academy, Virginia
How Does It Work?
- Your instructors teach the program to students
- We come to you to certify the instructors (2-Day seminar)
- We provide the six assessments, PowerPoints etc.
- Students buy Course manual for each module (8 total)
Veritas has had over 300 students complete the program!
Course Assessments
Momentum Makers provides 6 assessments for each of the 8 modules:
- Attendance & Participation Log
- Reflection Paper Guidelines
- Book (and Reading Log)
- Oral Presentation Guidelines
- Open Book Test (And Answer Key)
- Take Home Assignments

What Does It Cost?
- Annual License Fee = $3,000 (payment plan optional)
- Course Manuals = $30 each (students should purchase)
- 2-day Certification / Orientation Seminar for up to 4 Instructors, 1 Admin
(One-time Fee = $2,400 (plus trainer T&L), additional Instructors = $500 each)
2017 Harvard study shows every dollar spent on Professional Development training
brings 256% Return on Investment